September 21, 2004
Mr. Sphincter Could Already Be A Winner 
If you're as tired as I am of unsolicited junk mail offers (surveys, organizations, special offers, whatever), I think I've raised the bar in the realm of "payback".

You may have seen posted online, or in your email: the idea of taking all of that junk mail crap and stuffing it back into their postage-paid envelopes for the senders to dispose of. Well, I have an idea that could cripple direct mail marketers (I can dream, can't I?).

The idea?

Contaminate the database. Fill out any form you can with a 'paper person'. Be creative. I've already filled out direct mail responses from Dan Druff, Jay Sluicebox, and Red Sphincter.

Yeah, I'm sure that some of these will get caught before causing any serious interference or entertainment. But the 'performance art' aspect of this whole endeavor is almost sublime.

In the meantime, I'm waiting for a letter in my mailbox that begins with a heartfelt "Dear Mr. Sphincter . . ."

posted by James  [link] | |

 Atom Syndication

September 21, 2004
Mr. Sphincter Could Already Be A Winner by James



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